HealthWhole Food

Miraculous Maca

We moved to Spain from South Africa in June 2018, and found that the changes, challenges, working hours, and life-schooling our four small kids was draining us big time! So we looked into what we could include in our diet to help us with building up our immune system, and to get the extra energy that we so desperately needed. 

We discovered Maca! The miraculous powder that we started adding to our breakfasts and to smoothies, and which really really worked well.

Because we stay in a little Spanish Village where Health Products are very expensive, we ordered our Maca online through Amazon. We looked for a good quality, pure Maca but one that would not break the bank and we found Indigo Nutrition’s Maca Powder which at the time (October 2018) was only Euros 17.49. It was the cheapest and yet it still has amazing effects. I would highly recommend Indigo Nutrition’s Maca powder. 

Here are some details about Maca for your information (taken from the Indigo Nutrition website

Maca, sometimes called “Peruvian Ginseng”, is an ancient food source from the Andes region with a rich supply of vitamins and minerals.  It contains a rare blend of minerals, including iodine, which supports the adrenal glands and thyroid to produce vital hormones in the proper dosages determined by the bodily need of each individual.  Other essential minerals present are; calcium, potassium, iron and zinc – these minerals work in tandem to promote healthy bones, healthy red blood cells, maintain normal blood pressure and the optimal function of the immune system – with vitamin B6 working alongside iron in the formation of fresh red blood cells.

Also high in the anti-oxidant minerals manganese and copper and the immune boosting vitamin C, maca is a known adaptogen – adaptogens are a unique group of herbal ingredients which help your body adjust to extreme circumstances.

Whether it’s consumed for enhanced energy, boosting the immune system or improving bone density, our Organic Maca Powder makes a tasty addition to any diet!

Typical Use: Integrating Superfoods into your daily diet is simple and easy. Superfoods are particularly dense in nutrients, and free from any bulking agents or fillers. By adding superfoods to your daily diet you can fortify your food with super nutrition. Try replacing breakfast with a superfood smoothie. The smoothie can be made with a base of nut milk, seed milk or non-dairy milk such as rice milk, alternatively the main body of the smoothie can be created with fruit or vegetable juices.

Then additional superfood and herb powders can be added to fortify the smoothie with extra beneficial properties, the powders are largely dissolvable and can be scooped in and then blended or shaken until fully mixed in. Superfoods can be easily added to breakfast cereals such as porridge, muesli or granola. The powders, berries, grains, seeds and nuts can also be added to soups, salads, stews, curries, and used as toppings for any meal. Think about what you can replace in your daily diet with Superfoods. For full instructions go to our How to use Superfoods page.

The Indigo Nutrition website is full of very helpful information, amazing products and easy to follow recipes. You can really get lost in it…

*I wrote a review on the Russell Hobbs Mini Blender and at the end of the post you can find one of the delicious energy giving immune boosting smoothie recipes that we use almost every day which includes this wonderful Maca powder.*

For some extra very helpful information, the website Webmd states the following and more (

Maca is a plant that grows in central Peru in the high plateaus of the Andes Mountains. It has been cultivated as a vegetable crop in this area for at least 3000 years. Maca is a relative of the radish and has an odor similar to butterscotch. Its root is used to make medicine.

I hope that you will give Maca a try, as you will quickly notice a big difference in your energy and health

Maca does have a strange taste though, but we found that if we add a nut of some sort to it (e.g. peanut butter), then it masks the taste.

Do you use Maca in your diet? And what do you put it in? Let me know, as I would be very interested to find out about other ways to include it in our meals.

Please note that I do not get paid to write reviews on products and companies, therefore all of my posts are my own honest unbiased opinion.

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