Businesses - South AfricaProducts - South AfricaWhole Food

Fry’s Family Foods

If you have read any of my other reviews, you will know that my family and I try to follow a whole food plant-based diet as much as possible. In South Africa it is very difficult to find decent convenience meals that are made from true whole foods (i.e. not from animals, not processed, not refined and do not contain unnatural substances) and that are reasonably priced.

I then came across the Fry’s Family Group. It was founded in 1991, in South Africa, by Debbie and Wally Fry. The Fry Group of Foods is run by their family now and is committed to the true ethics of vegetarianism. Their slogan is:

“Choose plant proteins, choose kindness: we aspire to do no harm and to tread lightly on the earth we all share.”

Their products are made in South Africa but are also available in:

  • Australia
  • The UK
  • Germany
  • Mauritius
  • Reunion
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore

We tried a few of their products and think that they are absolutely fantastic

My kids love the Braai Style Country Herb Sausages, which are made with proteins from grains and legumes, seasoned with BBQ spices. They also really like the nuggets and pops. My favourite is the Country Mushroom Pies, which are delicious pies filled with fresh mushrooms and onions, and vegetable protein pieces, encased in a crisp golden pastry. Sounds delicious doesn’t it!

All of their products are so easy to prepare, by just popping them out of their packaging, onto a tray and placing them in a mini-oven or oven. The sausages, nuggets and pops bake for ten minutes on one side; then turn them over and another ten minutes later they are ready. The pie takes twenty-five minutes on one side, flip it over for five minutes and walla, it smells and tastes wonderful!

All their products are:

  • Egg free
  • Meat free
  • Dairy free
  • 100% vegan
  • Non Genetically Modified
  • Have no added preservatives
  • Contain no artificial colors
  • Are high in protein
  • A healthy source of fibre
  • Very reasonably priced

On the packaging they have wonderful little quotes such as:

Live life, laugh lots, love forever” – Stacey Fry

Family – we may not have it all together but together we have it all.” – Tammy Fry

To read up more about this entrepreneurial family, go to

A reminder that we are not paid to write these positive reviews. They are our own unbiased honest opinion.

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